Advanced coefficients setting

You can set the charging and pumping coefficients at several levels.

At each of these levels, you can also set coefficients by customer group.

Open the advanced settings by pressing the button Go to advanced settings of coefficients in the basic rules of the system. After pressing, a window with settings will open. Individual levels are on separate tabs.


For products, categories and brands, you search for the necessary records using the list and the search field.

You can filter the lists so that only the set records are displayed.

Changing settings

Once you have changed the coefficients in any record, press Save button located at the bottom of the editing window.

If you want to set the given record, press the edit button on the line to the right. An editing window for the coefficients at the given level will open.

In the upper part of the window, you set the charging and pumping coefficients as described in the basic settings.

If you leave the default value, the coefficient from one of the lower levels will be used (according to the set priority). Enter a value of 0 if you want to disable the level from the system, i.e. disable charging or pumping on this record.


Levels follow priority. The coefficient is always taken from a higher level than the current one, if it is set on it (it is not the default).


Category has higher priority than product. You set 0 on the product (charging off). You set 100 on the category. 100 will be used as the coefficient. If you move the product as a priority above the category, 0 will be used.

Distinction by group

To further differentiate this tier by customer group, select it from the list below.

The level settings for the selected group will open.

If you do not want to differentiate the level according to the selected level, leave the default value and the value from the given level will be used. You can disable charging or pumping on this group for this record by setting it to 0 (again, consider priority)


Load coefficients should always be higher than draw coefficients for a given currency.

Priority of coefficients

The priority determines the use of coefficients if they are set on multiple levels at the same time. The value from the higher set level is always used. If the level is not set, it automatically goes to a lower level.

Simulation of coefficients

Advanced settings can be complex. To test the coefficients, we have prepared a coefficient simulator for you. You can select a product and a group here, and the system will show you which coefficients will be used. If you do not select a product, the coefficients from the default level will be shown.

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