Stamped Reviews integration
What integration can do
Do you use Stamped reviews for reviews? Then thanks to this integration you can reward your customers for posting a review. You can credit customers based on their rating level in a review. Matching to the customer takes place via e-mail address.
It is easy. Go to the Integrations section in the settings. If you don't already have the Stamped Reviews Integration feature added, please add it. Then set your rewards based on the number of stars. From 0 to ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars. So you can give the same number of credits regardless of the rating or you can rate the customer more the higher the rating.
Now go to the Stamped Reviews web console. Add a new webhook here by pressing the Add Webhook button. You need to set a few things in the webhook detail:
- In Ellity, in the webhook settings, copy the **URL **and paste in the Payload URL field
- In Ellity, in the webhook settings, copy the API key (secret) and paste it in the Secret field
- Check the box Is Active and select the event **Reviews, **leave the others UNchecked
- Save by pressing the Save button
Now Ellity is paired with Stamped and every new review will be sent to Ellity where the customer will be credited with a set number of points.
Customer review information
In the history of the customer's account, you will see how many credits he received, what rating the review contains and a link to the reviewed product on the e-shop.