LeadHub integration

What integration can do

Export customers and their loyalty accounts to LeadHub. Data is exported to LeadHub tags based on an event that occurs in the loyalty system. You can then use these tags to segment your audience in LeadHub and set up campaigns for them.


In the settings, go to the section Integration. If you haven't already added the LeadHub Integration feature, add it. Contact LeadHub support to request an API key to communicate with your LeadHub account. Enter this API key in the API key field. Once you have filled it out, press the Save button;

Tag names and content

Ellity sends several generic tags to LeadHub that you can use directly in your campaigns. From these general tags, LeadHub has prepared several basic tagsthat will make it easier for you to create campaigns.

Basic tags description:

  1. Ellity - registrace účtu -information on whether the customer is registered or not
  2. Ellity - stav účtu - current credit
  3. Ellity - změna expirace - the tag is automatically assigned to the customer based on the number of days for warning before expiration that you have set directly in your account in the Ellity console
  4. Ellity - změna PIN - generating a new PIN for an unregistered customer

General tags description:

  1. ellity_account_changed

    currentAccount - the current value of the customer's point account
    lastChangeBeforeDays - number of days before which the account was changed
    lastChangeDate - date of last change
    lastChangeValue - value of the last change
    pin - PIN of unregistered customer
    registered - logical value true/false whether the customer is registered
  2. ellity_pin_changed (create or change PIN)

    newPin - new pin of unregistered customer
  3. ellity_expiry_changed (expire in specified time)

    expiryDate - next expiry date
    expiryValue - number of points that will expire
  4. ellity_test_connection (connection activation)
    This tag is just to test the connection when activated, but you will see it in LeadHub when setting up scenarios, you can ignore it.

You can find more about tags in LeadHub help.

LeadHub setup after successful connection

In LeadHub help you will learn how to set up campaigns and automation sent outí. 

Setting up notification before expiry

Once activated, you can set the integration to send a notification when points expire in advance of the number of days you set. To send the settings, select in the first field Send and in the second field enter the number of days before expiration you want the notification to be sent. If you do not want to send notifications, set to Do not send. Then press the Save button.

Notifications are sent once a day at night if the customer runs out of more than 0 credits in the selected number of days. A marker number 3 (ellity_expiry_changed) is sent with the value of the expired points and the date the expiration occurs.

You can set up automation in LeadHub to send an email to the customer when this mark is captured, informing them of the expiration of the points.

You can find more about setting up a campaign for expiry notification in LeadHub help.

Last account change information

This information is sent every time an account is changed, using tag number 1 (ellity_account_changed). The date of the last change, the number of days since the last change, and the value of the change are sent. You can use this in your campaigns.

PIN change information

If a change (or creation of a PIN) occurs for an unregistered customer, a tag number 2 (ellity_pin_changed) will be sent with the value of the new PIN. In LeadHub, you can follow up this event by sending an email with the new PIN to educate the customer on its use in the loyalty system.

Don't forget to disable the sending of the PIN by system email (see below). Otherwise the customer will receive the email 2 times. Once from us and once from you.

One-time export of customers

After activation, it is advisable to send accounts and basic loyalty system data to LeadHub. You do this with a one-time export. To do a one-time export of all customers, go to Customer List and press the top right export button. This will export all current customers in the system. In LeadHub, a new tag number 1 (ellity_account_changed) will be added to the record (non-existent email will be created) with the account value and other data.

Setting outgoing emails from the system (PIN)

If you will be using LeadHub to send these emails, you must turn off sending by the system. You can do this in  Settings - Basic Settings - Emails and select Over Available Integration.

What to do if the activation ends with an error

  • Check the API key is correct
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